I know we're all worried and stressed over current situations and problems; in our own backyards, nationally and globally. So, the Royal Wedding, for me, was a refreshing break from that. I know it's opulent, over-the-top, grandiose, lavish, pretentious and excessive (I used a thesaurus, I hope they all mean "ritzy"). But THIS was fun! Some of us gals took our break early this morning, and put on a "low tea" (thanks to Brian, because I didn't know a "low tea" even existed, I thought he was making fun, but Annie explained the diff). It was great fun to scour the thrift stores for tea cups, pots, hats and gloves, and although I couldn't find gloves or a "fascinator" (thanks Annie), I found the super-cool fox collar. I watched part of the wedding after I got ready this morning, and I plan to watch again this afternoon. What a great way to prepare for London! I'll be looking at Westminster Abbey FOR REAL in 41 DAYS! Nicole brought in her England pics from her '99 visit, and we really enjoyed those. Just admit it: this looks like fun, doesn't it?! ; )

Lemon Poppy Scones & Lemon-Thyme Shortbread
Annie's Traditional Cucumber Sandwiches & Chicken Salad Sand's ~ Delish!
We were ready! Vickie shared her "tea party teas" with us too. One was Tiramisu, yum!
We were really in the jolly good spirit of the day!
Thrift store finds!
Now that's a fascinator to be envied! Patti even has her pinky extended! Don't know about the Union Pacific mug...we'll pretend it's a Union Jack!
Melissa, Patti, Annie, Debbie, Nicole & Carol. Just part of the group to partake in the festivities!
The lemon scones and shortbread were yummy.
But nothing like my
Debbie and I have dubbed ourselves "Purveyors of Fine Living & Frivolity"! The proof is in the pudding; next week's (after work) party: Kentucky Derby!!! Mint Julep? Yes, please ; )