Sunday, October 12, 2014

Grandparent Update...

Yep, it's still awesome! We had Zach for a sleepover last night, and had a wonderful time; it made me reflective of the year so far (he'll be 8 months old on Friday!), and how lucky we are to have this little guy in our lives. Every baby is a blessing, and this guy has blessed us more than we could have ever imagined!

The first 5 minutes...we had no idea what fun the next few months would be!

Zach made...Lindsay an aunt...Zach's ONLY aunt, which is pretty darn cool! We Facetime with her almost every time Zach comes over, so he always knows who she is and how much she loves him ♥

Jack...a Pap...the beginning of a beautiful (hunting, fishing, manly) friendship ♥

Alex...Uncle Al...who's gotten pretty darn comfy at holdin' a baby...he's a natural ♥

Us...the proud(est) grandparents. Ever ♥

And these guys...a loving family of three ♥

Four generations of Ehrig men on Father's Day. (I've come to know this is a VERY important namesake, passage thing) ♥

His first time at the bar where his grandparents met...who'da thunk almost 33 years ago that this li'l guy right here would be sharing the same barstool as his Pap?! ;)

In the last 8 months, he's...

amused us...
 with these ridiculous "baby crunches"; he tried the hard way to sit up for awhile, but he's got it now... 

& with funny faces when he eats...

he's melted our hearts...with gorgeous blue eyes every time we look at him...

and startled us with a squeal that will burst our eardrums, but make us laugh because our tickles it hearts ♥

amazed us with his feats of baby-ness...overnight, this guy went from a docile, chill, take-it-slow-kinda-guy, to a whirling dervish of non-stop action! He's sitting!

He's standing! 

He's SO funny! This morning, he giggled nervously as he sized up the Halloween skull I had put out...then he loved it and laughed at it!

He snuggled in bed with Pap and I this afternoon as we tried to get him down for a nap...Pap wanted to play "Who Can Fall Asleep the Fastest" (just like he did with our kids, and always WON)...I rubbed his back, tickled him, hugged and kissed him...NO sleep, but best part of my year so far ♥

We can't wait for more! (If you don't have one, you gotta get one of these! ;)

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