Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chocolate Goodness via Pinterest

Again, I obsess (I'm working on that). Both days this weekend I was up early, even though I could've slept in. A nagging, sinusey cough prodded me into rising earlier than usual, and the first thing I grab after a hot coffee is my laptop. Scrabble with Laurie. Check Facebook and see what the world was up to while I was sleeping (not much, other than my college girl & gal pals staying up wayyy too late). Pinterest. Yesss! Always something new to see! Whether it's recipes, craft ideas, home decor from dream homes (some of them are doable!) or beautiful travel pics, I scour the site and start "pinning" away. I read a blog today where the author was complaining that she spent too much time pinning and not enough time putting into action the ideas that she found. Well, then, get busy! I've tackled quite a few; in the short time since I've discovered this social/sharing site, I've made a fun decorative wine bottle, scrumptious candies, numerous meals, and DIY gifts. It's not for everyone, but it's definitely for ME! : )
Today, Debbie and I went to visit a fellow Dolce Girl in need of chocolate and a hug. I've made a ton (really!) of these chocolate marshmallow candies for the holidays, so I figured they'd speed up post-op recovery, too!

Strawberry and dark chocolate mallow pops.

The box is full of  mallows to float on her hot chocolate. Or wine. Wine and chocolate go hand in hand, so natch I thought of that. ; )

Milk chocolate covered strawberries! Some were drizzled with pink vanilla, some were dipped in graham cracker dust, and some were dipped in crushed pretzels and nuts (Food Network). The fresh berries at Publix have been very good, and these were no exception. 

All gift-boxed and ready to go.
I need to find more non-food crafts...hanging out on the web is fattening!

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