Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saying "See You Soon" to the Bestest of Friends ♥

“When you see someone putting on his Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen.”   ~ A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

*SIGH* Here goes our FooZer, off to new adventures. Oops, and Mitch, too! ; ) Becky and I couldn't let our wonderful friends head up their new home without a sendoff. So along with some dear friends, a lotta food, and some homemade sangria...we say...definitely not goodbye! Actually, just "see you next month!" Really! Jack and I are going to visit in mid-January. I hope they were expecting to see alot of us...Goose Creek/Charleston, here we all come!

A very FooZer-like cake, thanks to my favorite baker (not Mitch and Laura Baker; Alex the baker!) and Carla at Publix. Our resident cake maker, Tina, took a well deserved day off!

Isn't this cute? Don't they look happy? They are : ) Mitch only stayed still long enough for one snap of the flash, then headed back outside to the guys' table! Somewhere in the course of the evening, the fellas discussed Jack getting a new boat, going shrimping way more often (while we girls have wine at Brenda's), and that decoys were 60% off at The Man Store. Yeesh. Men. We gals played with Tina's beautiful grandbaby, Aubrey, inside!

The Troublesome Trio. Wait. We don't actually make trouble, we just make a lot of noise and have tons of fun! We're definitely the three loudest people I know, so when ya put us together, you need earplugs!

Two of the three purveyors of fine foods for the day. Jeff made THE best pulled pork and homemade sauce that any of us had ever tasted. And see that potato salad? We'll all be getting the recipe for that, Becky!

Jane and Becky. Old friends are the best friends! See the sign on the fridge? She means it!

The lovely Cav ladies! FooZer with her flippin' phone in her hand, and Lisa with a beer! Hahaha, some things never change! (just kiddin' Lisa, but I'll always remember when Christy was a baby, it's my favorite story. Ever.)

Mitch's besties from work. See Mitch's shirt? Yeah, I see it alot too. You know you have great friends when you even know when and where they bought their favorite shirt! (at the Mighty 8th Air Force Museum in Pooler, GA, for criminy sake!)

And just for fun...Becky's house looked beautiful, and I loved, loved, loved her self-proclaimed Dr. Suess tree! How fun is this?!

I wish I would've gotten pictures of everyone! (Tina took most of these) What a great day with great friends. Anyway, I'm only the tiniest bit sad (mostly because they won't be right around the corner like they've been for the nearly 12 years we've been in this house), because I'm soo excited for them to have their brand new home, so many new things to see and do, new friends to make...HEY! WAIT A MINUTE! Oh well, at least we get a free "hotel" room! Love you Bakes, we're gonna miss ya ♥

“We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet.
Even longer,' Pooh answered.”    


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