Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Love Affair~With fb!

And as you read the title of today's blog, you already know what "fb" is! This is my formal proclamation, and I don't care who knows it: I ♥ facebook!
Since giving my kids (and other people's kids) a really hard time a few years ago for being social networkers (read: Myspace, and I still don't care for that one), I am now a facebook fan (which we also all know really means fanatic, but that's not always a bad thing). I was very cautious at first, as I'm sure most of us "older" folks were when we joined. And we still should be. BUT...I now "see" my up-north family and friends more than I would if we still lived in PA. I see photos of beautiful new great-nieces and nephews, my brothers and sisters, and family from Colorado, Montana & California, Chicago, Baltimore & Philadelphia. I follow blogs discussing everything from wine to cupcakes, faith to good health , travel to photography. I know when my boys are home from work, and sometimes even what their weekend plans are (they don't say too much). I know when my girl is working, having fun or studying, without being a stalker (or creeper, or any of those things she says I occasionally do). And even though Jack is not a facebooker, I have connected with his friends (now OUR friends) in North Dakota, and even from the job. Tonight, I "won" tickets to see the Plain White T's from a friend who was giving them away! (Thank you again, JoAnna!)
Now I'll NEVER get off....
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